CNC Slant bed Lathe Turning Machine

CNC Slant bed Lathe Turning Machine is a high-precision, high-efficiency automated machine tool.

Equipped with multi-station turret or power turret, the machine tool has a wide range of process performance.

Details About CNC Slant bed Lathe Turning Machine

It can process linear cylinders, diagonal cylinders, arcs and various complex workpieces such as threads, slots, worms.

The machine has linear interpolation, circular interpolation compensate for various compensation functions, and plays a good economic effect in mass production of complex parts.


Technical Parameters:

Machining capacityMax turning diameter over protectionmmφ460
Max turning diameter over palletmmφ200
Max turning diameter: disc/shaftmmφ400/φ200
Max turning lengthmm350
SpindleHollow hydraulic chuck6"
Spindle head typeA2-5
Spindle through hole diametermmφ56
Max bar diametermmφ45
Spindle motor powerkw7.5 (Servo)
Max spindle speedr/Min4500
Axial feedAxial travel, X/Zmm210/400
Fast feed, X/Zm/Min24/24 (Siemens)
Motor torque, X/ZNm8 (Siemens)
Screw model, X/Z3210/3210
Linear guide,X/Z35/35
TurretTool number10-station servo hydraulic turret
Tool sizemm20*20
Max boring tool bar diametermm32
TailstockTailstock sleeve diametermm65
Tailstock sleeve travelmm80
Tailstock sleeve taperMT4
MachineDimension (L*W*H)mm2230*1630*1680

As our company continuously developing and improving our products, the specification parameters might change without any notice.

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